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Press up challenge 2020-2021 for CW+ Charity

This is a quick (!) blog post to explain the seemingly endless amount of press ups you may (or may not!) see me doing in the early mornings, and to hopefully encourage support for the charity we are raising money for.    On the 22 March of this year (which happened to be Mothers Day and also marked the start of lockdown) I started a year long press up challenge. Each day that has passed since I have added one press up on a cumulative basis, so that today (now past half way) I did 188 press ups and tomorrow will do 189, and so on until I reach the 365th day. It’s best not to dwell on the total...

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What do I know about Crossfit?

Crossfit used to be a fairly unpopular word in our house. Quite a few years ago the husband had joined the newly opened local Crossfit gym “Blitz” which happened to be about two minutes walk from our house. We had small children, I did exercise DVDs as and when I could. I had zero interest in joining Crossfit and actually sometimes I called him a “Crossfit bore” for talking about Crossfit so much and (this is actually pretty hilarious now) got annoyed at him if he couldn’t get into the 6am class and had to go at 5:45! “That is ridiculously early!!”, I’d complain. Every now and then he would suggest again that I should try it. “You’ll meet new...

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